
The Midsummerwood is in turmoil. The Apes are descending into Chaos, caused by the changing seasons that are meant to dictate their territories. the tribes fight one another in furious battles. The Cherry Blossoms are late, and the Weeping refuses to come, water builds up on the ceiling of the Wood into giant stalagcites that are due to fall any day now.

The Dark Elves are spawning at an uncontrollable rate, and the Eaves, the ancient Gardeners cannot decide what to do. Accept Death, such as the way that they have been taught? Or fight it and protect the forest from iminent destruction, as is their job?

Archilove is a Gardener, stuck on the fence, his partner, Ariana, leads the charge to fight for the forest, but he has never been much good at fighting. But his hand is forced when Archilove falls from his Dragonduck. Accept Death, or Fight to see the one he loves?

Iagren starves. Banished to another world by the other Dark Elves, for failing to kill his Twin, Iagren spends every day fighting to get back to his home, the Everwood to exact his revenge, kill his twin and go after those that banished him.

Vook is Chief of the Cherry Tribe in Ape Paradise. But the Everlight challenges them, there are two many Apes, and the seasons are changed to wring out the weak ones. He must tread with care, lest he and his family perish after all their work to make the Cherry Wood their home. However, his carefully laid plans all go to hell when a different kind of Ape appears, viscious, strong, twice the size of Vooks kin, and they play with fire.

And Tiena, well. Tiena is not meant to be there at all. She and Brinduil fall through a tear in reality as they run from an assassin, trying to collect a shard of the Eternal Flame. All she wants is to escape the Forest of Death with her friend. Well... not quite all.

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P.S There is much more to come from these 'Explore' pages, including maps, sketches from the series and a more detailed look into the projects they belong to.

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